
Tuesday 8 November 2016

Where would you live - Timote and LJ

Where would you live

With humans evolving they have learned to live in a technologically world.They were presented  with great choices on where to live . They now have extensive choices  but people today still share the same fundamental and survival needs as their cave-dwelling ancestors with food and water , shelter from the elements and the protection from threats.

In 2011 , Archaeologists had discovered the oldest evidence of a cave used 77,000 years ago.From inside the Sibudu cave in South Africa . The investigations of the ancient beds revealed medicinal leaves , stems and grass in sediment then measuring about three metres of thick.

Caves had provided a natural ,convenient source of shelter . Along with protection from predators . Speleologists people who study caves and their features . Archeologists long have been aware of signs in early life in caves such as the remains of fires.

Early christians and other refugees who lived in what is now a region of Cappadocia had created entire cities over 3,500 years ago. To keep themselves safe from a prosecution and the underground city of Derinkuyu , was home to about 3,000 people and it had a few entrances that had easily could been blocked off. And it was of course defended.

The City had about 5 separate floors of caves and was inhabited to the depth of 60 metres. Caves had formed on the hillsides of Cappadocia .They had provided shelter for communities until the early part of the 20th century. Cave entrances can be visible or hidden . The historically Significant Skocjan caves   in Slovenia had some entrances .

1 comment:

  1. Hi LJ I am amazed about the different types of homes you can live in back in the olden days. You've put a lot of effort into this blog post and its very interesting and understandable Details in there.
    Keep Up the Amazing Word LJ!!
