
Friday 23 November 2018

My Secret Mission : Experience & Results

A week ago , Ms wells gave me a random task she gave me a paper that had my " Mission " in it. The task at hand was to try and investigate that whether they can feel someone watching them . That person would be me. So my first attempt was Lyndon . This was done during maths with the help of Ms Wells as I didn't get it at first . But after doing it I had to gather data on what Lyndon felt. It was all about sense. Lyndon at first felt unsure . First we were looking at him and he got it right the first time. But in the second attempt he got it wrong. We looked away and he thought we were still looking at him. So he felt unsure whether he should say we were looking at him or not. But he ended up getting it wrong. 
So what did I get from this? I believe that the target will feel unsure cause he or she cannot see anything.

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